Friday, February 28, 2014

Kona Project: "A Week in the Life of...Day 5"

Wednesday 2/26/14

5:50 am: Wake-Up
I got myself dressed and ready for work.

6:00 am: Luke awakes
I got the little man up, dressed, and brushed his teeth.  A month and a half ago this was quite the chore, but ,thankfully, Luke is much more cooperative now.  He actually wants to get dressed.  It probably helps that we let him pick out his clothes for the most part.  This means we rotate between spide-man and Lightning McQueen t-shirts. :)

6:20 am: Matty awakes
Matty's pretty easy to get ready.  Wake him up, change his diaper, dress him, and put him in the carseat.  Laura feeds him every morning at 5:00 am so we don't have to worry about that.

6:30 am: Out the door
We had to leave early this morning because Laura has a class council meeting at 7:30.  So I drove, dropped her off at the High School, and took the boys to daycare.

7:15 am: Drop boys off at Daycare

7:25 am: Chik-Fila
A quick run through the Chik-Fila drive thru for a couple chicken biscuits.  When I went to Duke in college, I was exposed to chicken for breakfast.  At first, I thought it was peculiar, but now I don't think twice about downing a chicken biscuit. :)

7:40 am - 4:00 pm: School/Work Day
We had a few minutes left in one of my College Prep Math classes so I struck-up a conversation with my students about their other interests...besides wanting to be the next great mathematician.  It's amazing how we can get caught-up in the routine of life and forget to take the time to get to know and understand the people around us.  Each of my students has something they enjoy and are even passionate about.  It may not be math, but developing a respectful and appropriate teacher-student relationship can make the time we spend together in math class more valuable and more enjoyable.

4:15 pm: Pick-up the boys from daycare

4:50 pm: Arrive home
The original plan was to do my seven mile recovery run when we got home.  However, Laura's mom invited her to go to dinner along with Laura's grandma, G-Mamma.  So, I had to be flexible.  Here's how the evening played out...

When we got home, Laura fed Matty and I went outside to pick-up the dog waste that had piled up over the past month with all the snow.  Laura headed out to dinner about 5:15.  I fed Porter and decided I was going to sit on the floor with Matty and watch some TV with the boys.  Well, Matty pooped.  So I took him upstairs and decided to give him a bath.  After that, we came downstairs and I fed him some baby food.  During breaks from feeding Matty I started to prep dinner for Luke and me.  I made salmon burgers on the stove and microwaved a steamfresh bag of peas.

6:00 pm: Dinner time
Of course, Luke didn't want to eat the salmon burger.  He wanted chicken.  I tried to tell him it was chicken and in fact, it was the chicken that "Sid the Science Kid" eats.  He took one bite and asked for chicken nuggets.  So I microwaved some chicken nuggets for him.  I had my open-faced salmon burgers (2) with guacamole and cole-slaw on top.  Luke had his nuggets, and Matty had some baby puffs.

6:30 pm: Clean-up
While I cleaned-up from dinner, Luke played and Matty sat patiently in his high-chair.

6:45 pm: Bottle
Matty was looking tired so I figured I'd give him a bottle and put him to bed early.  I changed him into his PJ's, sat down on the couch with Luke, and fed him the bottle.  It was a seven ounce bottle, and after four ounces, I held Matty up for the usual mid-bottle burp.  He burped and then threw-up all four ounces.  It went all over me, the couch pillow, and his PJ's.  I froze in shock for 10 seconds thinking to myself, "you have to be kidding me."

Luke asked why I was taking my clothes off in the living room, as if the answer wasn't obvious I thought.  I changed myself and Matty and put everything in the laundry room.

7:15 pm: Matty goes to sleep
After the throw-up incident, Matty had to be rocked to sleep.  With Luke on the foot stool playing with my legs, I rocked Matty to sleep in his room and put him to bed.  One down, one to go.

7:30 pm: Bath, books, and bedtime for Luke
This went to plan.  Luke was cooperative, and we had fun.  One of the books we read was Luke's favorite, "Bedtime for Bear."

8:20 pm: 7 mile run
Laura got back from dinner about 8:15.  I was already dressed for my run.  Since it was a recovery run and Porter was standing at the door, I took him with me.  It was cold (about 20 degrees) and dark and the last thing I wanted to be doing at this time.  But, there is a goal, and I want to achieve that goal.

9:30 pm: Recovery
Porter and I finished our run.  I showered and sat down for a recovery snack before bed.  A glass of chocolate milk, a banana with peanut-butter, and a chocolate chip cookie.  Hmmm.  I watched a few minute of TV while I snacked and then headed to bed.

9:45 pm: Bedtime
I spent 15 minutes reading the Jordan Rapp article in the most recent issue of Lava magazine and then turned off the lights.

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